Paf Copay

Step 1

Football manager mac download free. Check to see if you’re eligible for the program or view eligibility requirements.

Patient Advocate Foundation’s (PAF) Co-Pay Relief Program (CPR) is a free service that providesdirectfinancialsupporttomedically andfinanciallyqualified,insuredpatients, includingthosecoveredbygovernment- sponsoredplansMedicare,TricareandMedicaid, forco-payments,co-insuranceanddeductibles relatedtopharmaceuticaltreatmentsand prescriptionmedications. Patient Advocate Foundation's Co-Pay Relief program exists to help reduce the financial distress patients, and their families face when paying for treatment. We believe that no patient should go without life changing medications because they cannot afford them.

Step 2

Eligible? Get the application. Free tycoon games pc.

or Call 1-800-652-6227
to have one mailed or faxed to you.

If you’re taking HIV medications that aren’t covered by this program, please go to the HarborPath website to access the HarborPath Patient Application.

Step 3

Complete the application.

Paf Copay
  • Read the application instructions carefully.
  • Complete and sign page 2.
  • Include a copy of your most recent 1040 or 1040EZ federal tax return. If you don’t file taxes, note that on the application.

Paf Copay Pharmacy Portal

Step 4

Have your doctor complete and sign page 3 of the application.

Step 5

Fax or mail us your completed application, along with your most recent 1040 or 1040EZ federal tax return.



Mail: Johnson & Johnson Patient Assistance Foundation, Inc.
Patient Assistance Program
P.O. Box 0367
Chesterfield, MO 63006

Our Open Funds are now accepting applications for assistance from new and renewal patients.

Our Closed Funds are currently closed to new and renewal applications due to lack of sufficient funding.

Photoshop macbook pro download free. CPR allocates funding to all patient’s that are approved for a grant so that it is available when needed by the patient. Therefore, during the period that a fund is closed to new applications, CPR continues to provide support to all patients in those funds that have an active award.

Our Identified Need Funds have been developed in response to patients who have contacted PAF for help with their medication expenses and could not find help. While these funds have been fully designed and we are ready to provide needed support to these patient communities, these funds are not yet able to accept applications for assistance as we are still working to secure charitable donations that will allow us to open them.

Paf copay relief foundation
Please continue to visit our Disease Funds list often, as new and existing funds open, and reopen, as quickly as possible, based on the receipt of charitable contributions. If you, or someone you know, would like to support any of the funds, please visit our Donors page for more information on how to get involved.

Co-Pay Relief Program Fund Notices

Would you like to be notified when any new funds open, or when any of our current funds re-open? If so, please sign up using the “Get Notified” link below. As a member of our subscriber community you will receive important news about all of our disease funds, so join today!

Prescription Co Pay Assistance

Click on the fund type to filter by fund status:

Paf Co-pay Assistance Program

  • Open Funds
  • Closed Funds
  • Identified Need Funds
  • Show All Funds